“I absolutely love your anhydrous suspending agent! I plan on using up all of my Unispend by Fagron and switching over to your products for liquids. My vet patients will love it.
In my opinion it’s a game changer! I want to thank you for all your help!”
-Michelle, NY
“Your Triple Fish and Beef OS flavors are amazing!”
-Denise, AZ
“We absolutely LOVE your troche base. It compounds easily and comes out of the mold super easy! And our patients love the taste over the previous base. ;)
Please pass this on to the owner/creator of the base.”
-Jay, CA
"Your flavors are amazing! Your natural troche base tastes better than anything we've ever tried.”
"Your Bitter Bloc really helps with the bitter API's we use.”
-Stephanie, TX
“Love your SuspendRx!”
- Jacoby, OK
“That stuff is amazing - We love it! SuspendRx”
- Amy, IL
"I was having the hardest and most frustrating time making RDTs using a base from a different company. My techs and I could never get them to form properly. They would either be too brittle or melted and not come out of the mold easily. We started using the base from Specialized RX, and VIOLA! Our RDTs come out of the mold perfectly, every single time. Less waste, and more accurate strengths. We are so thankful that Jamie, our rep, recommend the SpecializedRx product. Thanks to the SpecializedRx team!"
- Rio Rancho, NM
“I love your SmartPopps system!”
-Chris, TN
“I did an in-depth review of all costs including the time to make, packaging, labeling, etc. I will pay for the [X-TABB] machine in less than a year with the time savings alone.”
-Randy, Las Vegas
“We love your products!”
-Jamie, NY
"We are in love with the new [X-TABB] system!!!!!"
"Oh its working great so far! We love it and we have even picked up more business due to the fact for the quarter score ability."
-Austin, TN.
“I love your flavors and especially your green apple! It smells great and tastes awesome. Kids love it!”
-Janelle, CA