UnoDose™ Metered-Dose Topical Applicators
Topical Mixing Jar And Metered-Dose Applicator/Dispenser.
For use with mixing in-container EMP machine compounding (no transfer of contents required). Convex, five-hole cap facilitates uniform dispensing and hands-free application. Includes a protective cover that securely locks into place for convenient storage and transportation. A fast priming feature quickly removes air with no repetitive motion. The dosing knob on the bottom of the applicator advances the elevator to dispense the dosage, alerting the user by sound, sight and feel. Displays an easy to read scale label for pharmacists, compounders and patients. Dose size: 0.25 mL per quarter-turn (click) of dosing knob. Mean dispensed volume error is within 0.5% over full container cycle. Maximum container capacity: 45ml. Residual volume: 1.5 mL. BPA-Free, UV inhibiting polymer construction. Patent pending. Promo codes do not apply to already discounted bulk packs.
UnoDose Literature
Patient Benefits:
- Allows cream application without hand contact
- Multiple (5) exit holes for uniform topical application
- Audible, tactile and visual metered dose indicators for accurate dosing
- Locking cover secures against accidental spills
- Clearly visible reorder indicator
Provider Benefits:
- In-container EMP machine compounding, no transfer required
- Multiple exit holes for reliable priming
- Fast prime feature quickly removes air with no repetitive motion, saving time
- Open, screw-free chamber for easy filling
- Disposable EMP mixing paddles for fast cleanup
- Available in convenient 25 packs and bulk 100 or 200 packs.
Time and Labor Savings
This is the industry’s first metered-dose applicator that doubles as a compounding container, eliminating preparation steps. Combined with fast priming, pharmacists can fill more prescriptions in less time, saving labor. These cost savings alone can result in a full return on investment.
Accuracy and Precision
The UnoDose Applicator features excellent dispensing accuracy dose after dose, improving patient value and confidence. This precision extends to providers with a design that minimizes wasted medication during mixing and filling.
- Dose size: 0.25 milliliters* per quarter turn (click) of dosing cap
- Maximum usable volume: 42 milliliters
- Residual volume: 1.5 milliliters
- Dimensions: 4.23” x 1.87”
- Medicament contacting materials: polyolefins free of phthalates and bisphenol A (BPA)
- UV protection: UV-inhibiting materials used for the medicament container
- Registered as an FDA Class I medical device
- Patent pending
25 Pack Includes:
- Jars, Applicator Lids, Outer caps
- 1 priming tool, 25 patient instruction cards
100/200 Bulk Packs Includes:
- Jars, Applicator Lids, Outer caps
- 1 priming tool, 1 mixing lid, 4 mixing paddles, 100/200 patient instruction cards
Helpful Tips:
- Store in a dry place at room temperature.
- Avoid direct or prolonged exposure to sunlight and other bright lights.
- When traveling in an airplane or traveling to a different elevation, place the applicator in a sealable bag to prevent leakage due to air pressure changes.